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5 Stages of Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative inquiry, often used as a 5-stage process, based on research by David Cooperrider. Kylie Bells outlines the process to Eve Ash, beginning with Defining (setting out what you want to achieve), followed by Discover (having an appreciation of what already is done well), Dream (dreaming abou... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
6 Keys to Wellbeing
6 Keys to Wellbeing is practical course covering the 6 keys to psychological wellbeing at work, covering how people can flourish and thrive in their lives, based on the PERMA theory. Kylie Bell offers strategies to ensure positive emotion and engagement at work. People need the opportunity to do wha... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Accomplishment at Work
With "A" for Accomplishment in PERMA, Kylie Bell details how results in performance are better guaranteed in two stages: (1) there is clarity around expectations, the goals to be achieved, identifying and overcoming obstacles; and (2) once goals are reached, seeking and giving feedback about whether... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Achieve SMART Goals with Hope Theory
Kylie Bell tells Eve that hope theory really works when people begin by setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) goals. Then they must list pathways (all the things they need to do) towards achieving their goals, determining likely obstacles and planning alternate routes... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Allocating and Managing Training Time
Many clients are short on time, which is why trainers need to be ready to present choices based on the client's availability and the type of learning sought. Kylie Bell tells Eve Ash how a trainer's flexibility, understanding, knowledge and spontaneity can maximize the learnings, irrespective of the... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Applying Hope Theory at Work
Kylie Bell cites Shane Lopez' book "Making Hope Happen" which talks about Hope Theory's efficacy in workplace goals. Devising SMART goals gives you a stronger chance of reaching your goals. You feel great because you're achieving more goals. Because you're empowered as you do so, you are motivated t... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry as a Means to Solve Problems
When things go wrong, Appreciative Inquiry can be a good way to flip the focus away from fault-finding to instead asking what is already going well, what is wanted and the direction that's needed to get there. First developed as a 4-stage process by David Cooperrider, Kylie Bell says it's suitable f... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Inconsistent Service
Kylie Bell gives a first example of Appreciative Inquiry's use in a situation with a retail client that was experiencing inconsistent customer service. By flipping the define stage to wanting high quality service, she and the client worked to discover what was already happening when they were delive... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Managing Change
Kylie Bell describes to Eve Ash how the 5D model of Appreciative Inquiry was applied to a large government department which was 18 months into a restructure with multi-levels of change. The problem was defined as people feeling stressed, and so she encouraged people to pair and discuss examples of w... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Poor Reputation
Kylie Bell's final Appreciative Inquiry case study is a local government organization which felt its reputation was poor, based on its service provision. They recast (defined) the problem as wanting a positive perception of their service. They discovered stories of when they received positive feedba... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Benefits of Mindfulness at Work
Kylie Bell talks about the effect of stress on our work practices with Eve Ash. The research shows that when people engage in mindful activities, they are more resilient, calmer and less inclined towards conflict. Daniel Goleman's "Retrain your Stressed Out Brain" discusses the amygdala's fight and ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Build Resilience, Reduce Stress
Kylie Bell discusses fascinating research by Dr Elissa Epel that demonstrates how telomeres in our chromosomes actually shorten in response to repeated or chronic stress. Although aging naturally shortens our chromosomes, resilient people are biologically younger than those who succumb to stress. Re... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only